Field Drawing Ornithology Course
Identifying, Drawing, and Understanding Birds in the Field
The Field Drawing Ornithology Course is a 12-week program designed to help students develop the visual acuity and observational skills needed for identifying and drawing birds in the field.
Through a combination of field trips, targeted exercises, and drawing sessions, this course helps students to understand the principles and techniques involved in identifying birds and representing them in artwork. The Laws Guide to Drawing Birds by John Muir Laws and The Sibley Guide to Birds by David Allen Sibley will play key roles in this course, providing students with both valuable insights and practical applications.
At the conclusion of the course, students will gain proficiency in identifying common species of birds in their natural habitat, improve their observational skills and ability to represent birds when drawing, create a personalized field guide a log of bird observations and artistic development, gain an understanding of multiple drawing techniques and mediums useful for capturing unique details and characteristics of different bird species, and gain a deep appreciation and knowledge of birds through hands-on experience.